

Highly Efficient Heat Utilization Technologies

with Adsorption and Chemical Reaction


Chemical Heat Storage & Heat Pump

Heat storage systems, which are classified as sensible, latent, and chemical heat storage systems, are promising technologies to bridge the time lag between heat supply and demand. Among them, chemical heat storage & heat pump systems can store heat with a high storage density without heat loss. Moreover, it is possible to upgrade the stored heat at an arbitrary temperature.

I have been studying

  Chemical heat storage with redox reaction for medium-high temperature heat above 773 K

  Chemical heat storage & heat pump with LiOH/LiOHH2O reaction for low-temperature heat below 373 K 


Research themes

◆ Redox reaction system

  ・Development of chemical heat storage material for medium-high temperature heat

      Poster (English)

◆ LiOH/LiOH・H2O reaction system

  ・Promising reaction systems for low-temperature heat storage

      Outline (Japanese)

  ・Enhancement of hydration rate of LiOH by combining with mesoporous carbon

      Poster (English)

   ・Heat output performance of LiOH/LiOH・H2O reversible reaction 




LiOH/LiOH・H2O chemical heat storage system

Desiccant Humidity Control System

Humidity control (humidification and dehumidification) is necessary in various processes, such as air conditioning in the residential sector, product productions in the industrial sectors etc. Desiccant humidity control systems have been gaining an attention as an environment-friendly air conditioning method because they can be driven by low-grade thermal energy below 373 K, such as waste heat and unused heat. Moreover, they can control latent heat loads easily, independent of sensible heat loads, and can reduce power consumption of air conditioning.

I have been studying new adsorbent, the adsorber, and the regeneration method for desiccant humidity control system. 


Research themes

  ・Preparation of thermosensitive polymer gel for desiccant humidity control system

      Poster (English)

  ・Desiccant humidity control system with heat exchanger type adsorber coated with adsorbent

      Outline (Japanese) Poster (Japanese) Poster (English)

  ・Measurement of overall mass transfer coefficient for adsorbent/water vapor system

  ・Desiccant humidity control system with microwave and hot-air heating

      Poster (English)




Desiccant humidity control system with heat exchanger type adsorber

Ammonia Storage & Fixation

Ammonia has been given more attention as a promising hydrogen carrier, because it has the ability to store hydrogen not only with a high storage density of 17.8 wt%, but also with great ease by pressurizing and liquefying. However, ammonia is very harmful to human health even in low concentration. A safe method of storing NH3 and fast fixation or decomposition of the leaked NH3 are urgently required to promote utilization of NH3 with high safety.

I have been focusing on the absorption and desorption reactions of ammonia with metal chlorides, due to its high sorption rate and capacity under the atmospheric pressure.


Research themes

  ・Ammonia storage by ammonia absorption with metal chlorides

      Poster (English)

  ・Ammonia fixation by ammonia absorption with metal chlorides




Packed bed absorber for ammonia absorption with metal chloride 

Preparation and Utilization of Activated Carbon

Activated carbon (AC) is a well-known nanoporous material, and is widely used in various fields, such as separation and concentration of useful/harmful components from mixed liquids/gases, catalyst support, methane and hydrogen storages, and electrodes for electric double layer capacitors, due to its developed
pore structure and surface chemistry.

I have been preparing activated carbons from various carbonasceous materials with chemical activation for applications to adsorption heat pump and removal of harmful gases. 


Research themes

  ・Preparation of activated carbon with microwave heating

      Poster (English)

  ・Preparation of hydrophilic activated carbon for adsorption heat pump

  ・Preparation of activated carbon for adsorption removal of harmful gases

      Poster (English)




Microwave heating system for preparation of activated carbon

Adsorption Heat Pump

Latent Heat Storage

Others Related to Energy Utilization

Waste Treatment, Recycling, and Enviromental Protection

I have been studying waste treatment, recycling, and environmental protection technologies for establishment of a sustainable recycling-based society.


Research themes

  ・Gas treatment

    Decomposition of VOCs and Halogen gases

  ・Liquid treatment

    Decomposition and mineralization of refractory pharmaceutical products and of herbicides

    Separation and recovery of metals from plating wastewater

  ・Solid treatment

    Recycling of molten slag

    Separation of recovery of metals from molten fly ash, incineration ash


